Friday, December 10, 2010

الفنّانة - السيّدة شيخة المطروشي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كما تعلمون

فإننا نقوم بتسليط الضّوء على مواهب عدّة في فن لف الورق

أو بالأصح

the art of paper quilling

وحيث أن هدف رابطة الإمارات لفن لف الورق هو التعريف بهذا الفن في الوطن العربي

فإننا سنقوم بعرض هذا القسم من نشاطاتنا باللغة العربية حتى يتمكن أكبر عدد ممكن من الأعضاء من التعرف بصورة أكبر على مواهب وإبداعات الشرق الأوسط في هذا الفن

فنّان هذا الأسبوع

أو فنّانتنا لهذا الأسبوع

هي السيّدة شيخه المطروشي - من دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

التقيت بشيخه في إحدى ورش فن لف الورق ولفت انتباهي سرعة استيعابها ولمساتها الفنية

حيث لا يمكن للمبتدئين بتطويع الورق بالصورة التي تقوم بها شيخه من أول مره

وساقت الصدف أن نلتقي هنا

وسنحت الفرصة على الاطلاع على أعمال فنية أخرى تقوم بها شيخه

ومن هنا ارتئينا أن تكون شيخة المطروشي المبدعة أول فنّانة نقوم باستضافتها والتعريف بها لدى أعضاء رابطة الامارات لفن لف الورق

فهي فنّانة بمعنى الكلمة

لذا .. تفضلوا واستمتعوا بلقائنا معها

فستتعرفون على الكثير

متى بدأت بممارسة فن لف الورق ؟

كان ذلك تقريبا في سنة ٢٠٠٨ حيث قمت بالبحث عن طرق جديدة لعمل بطاقة خاصة ومن ضمن البحث تعرفت على فن لف أشرطة من الورق

لم أكن أعلم بالمسمى الصحيح لهذا الفن ولكن شدني وقمت بتجربته

في يوليو ٢٠١٠ حضرت ورشة عملية في أساسيات فن لف الورق بنادي سيدات الشارقة وكانت هذه البداية

هل بدأت بالبحث عن كتب تختص بهذا الفن؟ أو ماهي مصادرك الرئيسية للتعلم ؟

ليست لدي الفرصة لقراءة الكتب عن هذه الفنون متى ماشئت أو كما أود

لكن شبكة الانترنت هي الأسهل بالنسبة لي للتعرف على ما أريد من فنون والقراءة عنها

كما أن آمنه الفرض هي حاليا مصدر التعريف بهذا الفن

هل تقومين بحضور ورش أم تقومين بإعدادها ؟

على الرغم من رغبتي في حضور ورش عدة إلا أنني لا أحصل على الفرصة لحضور الكثير منها كما أود

ولكنني أتمنى أن أقوم بإعطاء ورشة عملية في فن الديكوباج في أحد الأيام

رأيت بعض أعمالك الرّائعة فهل لك أن تخبرينا عن هواياتك الأخرى التي تقضين بها وقت الفراغ ؟

أحب الفن منذ الصغر، وأستطيع القول بأنني لست مبتدئة ولكن قطعت شوطا طويلا في هذا المجال

كما أنني أقضي وقت الفراغ في أمور أخرى ليست بالضرورة فنّية ولكن أحب الرياضة مثلا والقراءة والطبخ أيضا

كما أنني أحب تسوية الأمور الصعبة وحل المشاكل

الجانب الفنّي من حياتي لايعتمد على الألوان فقط، على الرغم من حبي للتلوين ، ولكن أمارس فن الديكوباج، الرسم على الأقمشة، تلوين الزجاج، ومؤخرا فن لف أشرطة الورق

أحب كل مايجمع الألوان بالخيال

من باب الفضول

نود معرفة المزيد عن شيخه

هل تعملين أو تدرسين ؟ وهل تؤثر ممارسة الهوايات والفنون على أي جانب من حياتك؟

حاليا لا أعمل أو أدرس ولكن لدي مشروع يختص بفن الديكوباج

ممارسة الهوايات أثرت في حياتي بشكل إيجابي

وهذا مايدفعني للمضي قدما في بعض الاحيان

كأم لطفلين ، في بعض الأحيان لا يمكنني الحصول على الوقت الكافي لعمل ما أريد أو للإستمتاع بالوقت

لذلك ، فإن ممارسة هواياتي تعطيني الدافع والقوة كما تأسرني لعالم خاص تتكلم فيه يدي بهدوء لتصنع أعمالا فنيّة

مانوع الفائدة التي يمكنك القول بأنك حصلت عليها عن طريق ممارسة الهوايات والإبداع في هذه الفنون ؟

الفائدة في حياتي كبيرة ولكن بالأخص شغل وقت الفراغ

الاستمتاع بممارسة الهوايات وأسئلة أطفالي أحيانا عما أقوم به حيث أنهم يهتمون بمشاهدتي وأنا أعمل و سؤالي عن تلك الأعمال

وهذه فرصة جميلة جدا أقضي بها وقتي في الهوايات ومع أطفالي في نفس الوقت

أحب تزيين منزلي وصنع هدايا خاصة بيدي عوضا عن شراءها

وفوائد عدة لا تحصى أيضا

شيخة المطروشي تؤمن بأهمية الفن وبأنه يلعب دورا كبيرا في حياتنا

وتقول شيخه :

حتى وان لم تكونوا ممن يرسمون جيدا أو ممن لايتقنون التلوين أو تظنون بأنكم لاتعلمون كيف

فإن اختيار ألوان ملابسكم في حد ذاته فن

اختيار الألوان في تنسيق وتحضير الطعام هو أيضا نوع آخر من الفن

لا أستطيع أن أتخيل حياتي بدون ممارسة هوايات فنيّة

هل يمكنكم آنتم ذلك ؟

شيخة المطروشي

نوافقك الرأي بالتأكيد

ونشكرك على قبولك دعوتنا وعلى إعطائنا الفرصة للتعرف على شخصيتك الرّائعة وفنك الجميل ماشاء الله

ونأمل بإذن الله أن نتمكن من حضور إحدى ورشك العملية في فن الديكوباج

والآن .. إليكم بعضا من أعمال شيخة الرّائعة

شكرا مره أخرى يا شيخه المطروشي

ونعتذر عن الأخطاء اللغوية والإملائية

آمنه الفرض

Featured Artist - Shaikha Al Matrooshi

Salaam ..
few weeks back I started a section on my facebook page & Emirates Quilling Guilds page ... where an artist will be featured displaying his/her creations and more :)
so .. lets get started with our first featured artist ..

* بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم *

Our featured artist today

is non other than the talented lady of vibrant colors

Ms. Shaikha Almatrooshi

I met her at a workshop

and one look & you could tell this lady has this artistic ora around her

she amazed me with how quick she was working her way through paper strips and with details too

and only later I found out that she is in fact a true artist

so .. what say you?

shall we dig into her books and research about her ?

naah .. you don't have to .. we already did that for you .. just sit back ..

read and enjoy :)

Shaikha Almatrooshi - United Arab Emirates

We started by asking her about her early start with quilling?

* Shaikha :

it was around 2008 as I was looking for a special new way to make a Birthday card

and while I was searching, paper quilling method popped up, and I didn’t know what it was called at that time, but it was more interesting for me.

In July 2010 I attended a workshop at SLC and I think that was the beginning

Q: Did you start reading books after that? or what were your sources?

* Shaikha :

I don’t have the chance to read books about paper quilling as frequently as I wish,

but to me the internet is the easy way to read about anything,

and lets say Amna Al Fard is my main source :)

Q: Do you attend workshops or give workshops ?

* Shaikha :

Although I'm trying but I don’t attend many workshops

Though I'd love to give a decoupage workshop one day

Q: I've seen some of your work which is great, so could you tell us about the other hobbies or art forms you spend your time with?

* Shaikha :

I loved art as long as remember. I can say that I’m not a beginner but for sure I crossed a long way in the art path.My hobbies do not include art only, I love sports , reading , cooking and problem solving. My art life includes not only coloring which I still love but also Decoupage , fabric painting , glass painting , recently paper quilling and I think any thing that joins colors and imagination.

Q: We’d like to know more about you, do you work? study ? has art affected these aspects of your life?

* Shaikha :

For the mean time I don’t work or study but I can say that I have a small business with decoupage. Practicing my hobbies is affecting my life positively for sure, it’s what makes me go sometimes.

As a mother for two I sometimes get this moment when I forget how I can enjoy my time , so having a hobby made my life , gave me strength and it takes me to a special world where my hands are talking silently to make a piece of art.

Q: Have you gained any benefit from your art? what kind of benefit ?

* Shaikha :

The benefits of art in my life are many. Mainly killing my time . having a nice time with my kids as sometimes they like to watch and ask , which is a good mother-kids bonding time .

I love decorating my house , making gifts instead of buying them

and many many that I don’t remember now :)


Shaikha believes that art plays a large part in making our lives

She said : even if you can’t draw or don’t like coloring or you think you don’t know how, choosing your clothes is an art , choosing the colors of your food is another type of art.

I cant imagine my life without it .... can you ??!!

We agree Shaikha, and we thank you for your time and enthusiasm

and hope that inshaAllah we can attend your decoupage workshops soon :)

no don't go .. wait .. take a look at her work of course ;)

BIG THANKS to our artist * Shaikha Almatrooshi *

Best Wishes
Amna Al Fard

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

بابا زايد ؟

Time has passed faster than I imagined .. or thought ..

I remember everything vividly as if it were only last year

today I realized it would be 6 years since he passed away

and for a moment it all came back to me and I lost any desire for anything and everything I ever wanted

it was my last year .. last semester .. so close to earning my MBA ..

and I got the miserable message on my cell phone ..

I looked around me .. the professor was still talking ..

people from all nationalities in my class .. all listening ..

there was only me .. another local girl .. and a guy ..

I wanted someone to tell me that was a stupid joke ..

but there was another message from my other sister ..

it can't be

someone please tell me

the guy left the class ..

I left the class too .. and the girl followed

everyone was normal outside the class ..

no one knew yet

I tried to call my sister

she answered but said nothing .. she just cried

I cried too

I wept

I was looking around me ..

why is everything so quiet ?

someone please tell me its not true

another girl began to weep in the ladies room

I fell on the floor and was in tears

people were asking what had happened and I couldn't talk

I stayed where I am not knowing what was going on around me but cried like a child

my driver was outside

I told him to head back home

there were at least 4 more hours to go

but the driver didn't say anything .. I think he also knew

I couldn't stop crying in the car .. and was reading the message over and over again ..

only half an hour .. and I was bombarded by phone calls and messages from overseas friends

no .. I can't believe it yet ..

my father called .. only then I answered

I cried like crazy .. and he kept quiet .. then was sobbing .. then he said .. be strong ..

I didn't stop .. my father repeated .. be strong .. and pray for him

and I cried again coz now I was sure he was gone ..

my heart ached and I didn't stop

my father repeated for the last time .. be strong .. he's our father and we can only pray for him now

cry .. and pray for him .. and pray to God that we all meet with him in heaven

and he hanged up the phone

I reached home not wanting to talk to anybody

my uncles were discussing stuff that I didn't care about

I didn't know what was going on around me ..

but it was Ramadhan

and if he did pass away

I can do nothing but pray for him

but I didn't want him to die

I thought he won't die ..

at least while I was still alive

I still had many things to achieve while he was still alive

I wanted to see him

I wanted to meet him

I wanted to tell him you can now be proud of us

of ME ..

I didn't get my turn to tell him that

I didn't

what am i going to do

why should I do anything

why should I do anything anymore

he left

and he won't be here anymore

I didn't have the heart for Eid

and then the national day was reminding us again that it has happened

and he's no longer here with us

I won't be pinning his picture to my scarf to celebrate national day

I can't look at the flag without crying

I can't look around me without crying again

I took leave from work

dropped from all my courses

lost any interest in anything I was aiming for

after a month my father was talking about Haj and his friends

it just hit me then

what if I die too

I want to be able to do one last thing

I want to go to Haj

nothing will help me now

I need to go to Haj

my best friend was the same

we both decided to go to Haj

at that time things started to brighten

and I had comfort at last

at the masjid

at the very top

I was looking at Kaaba and the other 4 million who were there to perform Haj

I remembered him right there

our father


I thought of all those people who loved him

there were 4 million back then

the day of Eid

4 million or more

all praying to God

there were millions praying for Zayed too

and I cried there too .. only I was happy

and prayed to God that we all be gathered in heaven on the day of judgment

Zayed .. you left .. but you are still in our hearts

you live through your sons and daughters who will continue to do your will

I was very happy that I decided to go to Haj

and came back

and completed my courses in the next 6 months

and on my graduation day

my father was there

my sisters were there

only few local graduates were there

and the national anthem was played

we chanted the national anthem like school children

very loud

everyone was staring at us

but the very few ones didn't care and kept going on

I felt proud

he's there in our hearts

he still is

and forever will be

and for every achievement that makes me happy

I still wish he was still here

what would he have said if he saw what I did

and can't help but drift away and imagine his smile

baba Zayed

we loved you as a father

and now again

I'm determined to be the best

coz baba Zayed

I am your daughter

and always wanted you to be proud of me

and I know had you been still with us

you will be proud of me

and i won't settle for anything less

but to make you proud of me

Baba Zayed

you are in our hearts

الله يرحمك يا زايد

يوماً ما
