Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Exhibition 1

السّلام عليكم 
& peace be upon you 

في يوم ٢٢ نوفمبر ٢٠١١ تم أفتتاح المعرض الفنّي الأول لفن لف الورق بالعالم العربي و الشرق الأوسط
ومن ضمن احتفالاتنا باليوم الوطني ال ٤٠
 لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة 

on 22nd Nov. 2011, the 1st Paper Quilling Exhibition in the Arab World & the Middle East
As part of our celebrations of the UAE's 40th National Day

وبمشاركة مايفوق ٧٥ مشاركا من داخل وخارج الإمارات 
ومايزيد عن ١٥٠ عملا فنيّا 
بالاضافة إلى ١٠٠٠ دمية مصنوعة يديويا بفن لف الورق لمحاولة الدخول لموسوعة الإقام القياسيّة جينيس 

 the participation of over 75 artists from UAE and around the world
over 150 artworks varying from framed work to 3D creations
in addition to 1000 handmade quilled dolls for a Guinness World record attempt due end of year 

لنبدأ قبل المعرض بيوم 
Lets see what happened the night before the exhibition :) 

Susan Lee .. can't thank you enough and your hubby Ricky .. for all the help you provided me the night before the exhibition
I can't thank the other ladies too enough to do them justice .. but your attendance on the day of opening was great .. 

هذا الفيديو هو الأول من سلسلة تحتوي على ١٠ مقاطع مصوره للأعمال المعروضه
this is the 1st video of the 10 videos series that included most of the displayed work
" I found out later that my camera went down and was acting funny at different times without realizing it while shooting .. so I'm sorry that your work might not have been recorded " 

Happy Quilling 
Amna :) 


  1. Such a wonderful series Amna! I've been following them on FB and Jeez, I hated missing it. I hope I am able to make it the next year :)

  2. Enjoyed the journey through ur wonderful videos...felt like being with u all.....

  3. hya amna....
    love to see what've u achieved.
    erm, actually im new in this art.
    seriously i love to see all those thing and most important its papers...
    to admit here, we in malaysia, there's hard 4 us to find the quilling paper bcoz we d't have the supplier n in common we just use common color paper...but, fyi, those paper d0 not makes a good shape... its easily broken or torn.


يوماً ما
